Friday, May 11, 2007

We're still here.

Even though the spring semester has ended, POHDCC is not going on a break-- yet. We still have plenty of material queued up for release, including the recent talk given to OHDCC by Dr. W. Warner Burke.

We'll miss Carl, who is leaving us to go on to greener pastures (a.k.a. Houston). Rest assured, though, that we're already looking at building a team for the fall season who will be able to expand upon what we've created and take the podcast to that 'next level' that everybody talks about. We'll have a bunch of new original content, new OHDCC talks to share, and who knows what else.

Speaking of the new team-- if you are an incoming TC student and think you might be interested in becoming part of Team POHDCC, feel free to drop myself and Serena a line at, and let's talk. Don't worry about your skill and prowess in podcasting. We'll train you.

Warren Kimmel
Executive Producer

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