Monday, January 29, 2007

POHDCC Episodes so far:

Here's a list of POHDCC and POHDCC: The Apprentice episodes that are available so far, and links so that you can download them individually off Pocket Knowledge (a service provided by the Teachers College library).

Tune in later this week for POHDCC: The Apprentice (Los Angeles), Episode 4.

POHDCC: The Apprentice (Los Angeles) #3

POHDCC: The Apprentice (Los Angeles) #2

POHDCC: The Apprentice (Los Angeles) #1

POHDCC #4: The Reality of Military Leadership, Part 2
Featuring Michael Dick (U.S. Army).

POHDCC #3: The Reality of Military Leadership, Part 2
Featuring Matt Baker (U.S. Coast Guard).

POHDCC #2: The Nature of Leadership, Part 2
Serena and Warren interview Yaron Prywes, co-author of The Nature of Leadership.

PODHCC #1: The Nature of Leadership, Part 1
Yaron Prywes speaks at the launch of his book, The Nature of Leadership.

Got comments, questions or suggestions for future topics? Drop us a line at!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice podcasts -- my other comments are lock inside the pocket thingie.