Monday, January 29, 2007

POHDCC Episodes so far:

Here's a list of POHDCC and POHDCC: The Apprentice episodes that are available so far, and links so that you can download them individually off Pocket Knowledge (a service provided by the Teachers College library).

Tune in later this week for POHDCC: The Apprentice (Los Angeles), Episode 4.

POHDCC: The Apprentice (Los Angeles) #3

POHDCC: The Apprentice (Los Angeles) #2

POHDCC: The Apprentice (Los Angeles) #1

POHDCC #4: The Reality of Military Leadership, Part 2
Featuring Michael Dick (U.S. Army).

POHDCC #3: The Reality of Military Leadership, Part 2
Featuring Matt Baker (U.S. Coast Guard).

POHDCC #2: The Nature of Leadership, Part 2
Serena and Warren interview Yaron Prywes, co-author of The Nature of Leadership.

PODHCC #1: The Nature of Leadership, Part 1
Yaron Prywes speaks at the launch of his book, The Nature of Leadership.

Got comments, questions or suggestions for future topics? Drop us a line at!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Welcome to POHDCC!

Welcome to POHDCC - the official podcast of the Organizational and Human Development Consulting Club at Teachers College, Columbia University. In case you're wondering, Serena and I are in the library writing this entry, and since Carl is nowhere to be seen, we figured this would be a perfect time to make an introduction. (So, Serena - what do you really think about Carl?)

As you can see, we're grad students. That means we like to to talk a lot. To remedy our need to give our 2 cents (Carl gives his in pence), we began a podcast dealing with issues of organizational dynamics, group behavior, leadership... the grease in the wheels of industry.

Now we're tackling the most famous job interview, The Apprentice: Los Angeles. We apply what we're learning to these very real task scenarios, while trying really, really hard to maintain an air of professionalism--well, we have fun, anyway.

We also interview leaders in the military, academic, and corporate sectors. Through our parent organization, OHDCC, we've hosted a couple of excellent speakers including Matt Baker and Michael Dick, students from the Eisenhower Leader Development Program here at TC. We've also had guests such as Yaron Prywes, author of "The Nature of Leadership," and Vito Pandolfo, principal consultant and founder of Lead Smarter Associates, a remarkably successful executive coaching firm here in NYC.

We hope you enjoy the podcast, and we want to hear from you--whether you're a future leader, a student like us, or just stumbled upon this site when you were looking to order from Domino's.

Feel free to post comments, or drop us a line at

Warren & Serena (and Carl, our very own Mr. Trump)